First off, I want to thank everyone who reads this blog, sends me messages of encouragement, likes my health related statuses, and especially those who share my struggles and confide in me their own struggles. The amount of support I have received has been overwhelming. I had no idea so many people cared. It has been fun, scary, awesome and tough to share the ups and downs of the year. I am excited that people still have interest in it a year later. I also have to publicly thank my amazing girlfriend Martina for knowing when I needed pushing and when I needed a hug and kind words. Having somebody who clearly loves and supports me no matter what is such an awesome feeling and it makes the tough days easier to navigate. There is, of course, also my best friend Erik to thank. His own life changes got my ass gear and our talks have really helped focus me. He is doing so many great things with his own health related issues and it inspires me on a daily basis. I have no idea if I would have been able to really stick this out without the constant support.
So what has happened in the last year? First of all, I lost 60 pounds. My goal was to lose 55 lbs this year and I lost 60. I am currently at the least heavy I have ever been in my adult life. I have at least 60 more to go, so I know it only gets tougher from here, but for the moment, I am going to celebrate losing 60 pounds in a year. The first few months when the weight was falling off, I thought I would reach my goal easily, but of course, things got tougher. There were months where I lost no weight, but a very important thing for me was that there was only one month, December, where I put weight on. 11 months I lost weight. It was an incredible feeling on the last day of every month to step on a scale and see the weight going down finally. Now, one of the best things I did over the year, was not obsess about the weight loss. I weighed myself one time a month and that was it. I took to that strategy at around month 3. It worked out so well because it kept my focus on big goals and not obsessing why one week I did not lose any weight. When you are my size, weight comes off easy at first, but it is impossible to maintain that kind of pace, so I wanted to not get down on myself when things were not going my way.
How did I do it? The short answer is hard work. I watched what I ate. I cut out things I love to give myself a chance at a longer life. In the last 12 months I have had less than 100 ounces of soda and in the last 3 months, I have not had any soda. I used to drink probably 100 ounces of soda a week. I cut out those pesky energy drinks that I used to down for breakfast and a late day snack. All of that sugar is gone from my diet. It was incredibly tough. Fast Food is always the biggest thing to stop eating when trying to lose weight. I think that I lost 30 pounds strictly from cutting down the fast food. I have only 5 fast food burgers in the last 12 months, none in the last 3 months. It requires me to think ahead and plan meals more regularly, but it has saved me money and has left me feeling much better as a person. I had no idea how sluggish fast food made until I stopped eating it on a regular basis. I have been eating a lot of chicken, a food I did not eat much at all until last year. I replaced ground beef with lean ground turkey. I started mixing in many more fruits and vegetables and going away from ice cream, cookies, brownies and candy. I still have a weakness for chips and popcorn, but I no longer douse my popcorn in salt. In fact, in cooking at home I stopped using salt altogether.
I started this journey with the idea that I would work out at least 4 days a week for 30-45 minutes. I would be lying if I stuck to this in a very strict fashion. There were weeks I did not work out at all because of injury or apathy. When you are only employed on a part time basis you have all of this time, but I am used to spending all of that time watching television or playing video games. I would end the day feeling worthless and like I had not accomplished anything. Now on days when I do not work, I can still watch television and play video games, but I like to go get a jog in, a long walk in, or ride a few miles on the stationary bike and when the day ends, I have accomplished something. It is kind of amazing the feeling you get from working out. It is this exhausted euphoria that leaves you invigorated, beat, motivated and just a bit on the right side of awesome. This year I ran for 10 minutes nonstop, then 15 minutes nonstop. I did a mile in under 14 minutes and now I am under 13 minutes for a mile. When the year started I could not ride the stationary bike for 10 minutes without stopping, now I can ride 5 miles in 20 minutes with a resistance of 5. I hiked this year for the first time. I rediscovered my love of swimming, tennis and riding a bicycle. I started to understand why people love the outdoors so much. I jogged through a neighborhood near my house this last week. I did CrossFit and did really well with it. I did push-ups! I did 10 push-ups! I impressed people who are hardcore fitness guys. I miss CrossFit but the gym we like does not offer classes at times that work for me anymore. I cannot wait to be able to afford a gym membership that has CrossFit. I cannot wait to go back to all of that sweat, pain and hard work. Even on my worst day, and I still have plenty, I can look at my workout and know I accomplished something huge!
But beyond all of the physical health, I am slowly starting to really get in touch with who I am. I know that sound eye-rolling ridiculous, but it is true. I look in the mirror and do not hate myself anymore. I can see a guy who is really trying to make better decisions. I see a guy who is capable of more than he ever gave himself credit for. I look at myself and I can see why people are rooting for me, why my family supports me through all of the stuff I have put them through, why my friends have always maintained that I deserve better and lastly why a beautiful smart awesome woman wants to spend her life with me. At some point during the summer of last year I noticed that I was much more comfortable in big group settings. I started to make a point to find people after shows to say hi instead of waiting for them to find me, if they wanted. I stopped thinking of myself as the guy people tolerated and started to think that people actually liked having me around. When I was out in the world, I no longer thought people were looking at me like I was some disgusting creature. I felt like a completely different person, but it was not easy to get there. There were a lot of nights of just sitting with myself and really thinking about roots of my problems. I had to face quite a number of ugly truths and I had to confront myself and actively look to make changes in who I was, who I let be close to me and how I talked about myself. In fact, until yesterday when I made a self-deprecating comment at work, it had been months since I really made a joke at my own expense. For me, that is a huge step in the right direction. I am still working on getting the rest of the toxicity out of my life, but I know I am doing so much better.
So what comes next? Year two starts today and with it come a whole new set of challenges. First off, I know that losing weight is only going to get tougher. I have set myself goals of working out 6 days a week for no less than 45 minutes. For now, it will mostly be cardio because I do not have access to a gym. I certainly have my own body, so there are certainly things I can do and I need to get back up on my squat, burpee and push up game. I also want to buy a basketball and rediscover my joy of hoops. I hope to hike more. I need to research places in the area for day trips to go hiking. I found that I very much enjoyed the hiking experience. There is still room for improvement with how I eat as well. Chips, forever a weakness of mine, have really got to go unless there is a special occasion like a big party. I can still better utilize vegetables big time. I need to limit my bread and cheese intake. Those are going to be tough because sandwiches are a staple of a poor man's diet. I guess I need to look into the lettuce wrap thing. Really, the only thing that is going to keep myself moving to a leaner and meaner version of myself is to push myself. I need to make sure that on the days when I do not want to get out of bed, that I work out even harder! My body is getting a bit more comfortable with the work outs I have now, so I know it is time to step it up just a bit. I recover faster these days, which means I can push myself harder.
However, I feel like my bigger challenges still come from the mental or emotional side. I am working on being more thankful and positive about things in my life. Currently, I am working on not complaining as much. It is such a burden to complain as often as I do and it does no one any good. Instead, I am working on finding solutions to the things about which I would complain. For example, I kind of hate my job. I know I am lucky to have a job, but it is mindless work. Over the last two weeks I have been trying harder to focus on doing the job the best way I can. I stopped complaining about the tasks and just started doing them. Time goes by faster, my attitude is better and my managers have commented on how much I have done recently. Two of my managers put in personal calls to the General Manager of another theater to recommend me for a promotion, and while I did not get it, the GM at the other theater wants me for the next assistant manager position he opens up. He really liked me. Sure, it is just a movie theater job, but I have decided to take pride in my work and I am already seeing changes . Taking pride in myself is going to be a big key in the next year. I want to be proud of the work I do. I want to be proud of the things I say and do. I am currently writing a short story and I want to finish a rough draft and be proud of myself for finishing. I think it is important for anyone to celebrate small changes in ourselves. It is my goal to notice when I am doing something I did not used to do.
This goes beyond just my health though. I want to take more pictures and remember this time of my life. Things are not exactly going well for me in my professional life, but I am happy and I want to remember that. I want to remember that Martina and I are surviving in poverty and we do not fight, we do not complain. We find humor in our situation and most of all, we find entertainment and activity all of the time. We know we can survive on an incredibly small budget, and that lets me know we will be even better when we have a regular budget. I want to go out and make memories with loved ones. Okay, this is maybe getting a bit too cheesy, so let me conclude by saying that I intend to make the next 365 days even better than the previous 365 days. There are times I think I am old and that my life is passing me by but that attitude is slowly changing. I know I still have a lot of life left and it is time to actually live it.
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