Hello blogosphere! Did you miss me? I missed you. I missed you something fierce. I tried to quit. I succeeded for a while, but I have to admit, I was longing for you. So I'm back, with a twist. Where as this blog did, at one time, serve one true function, to write about my health journey, it is now, oh so much more. I will blog about my health journey, which has been renewed for the 100th time. I am still hovering around 100 lbs lost in the last 5 years, and I still want another 100 lbs of weight loss, possibly more. At the moment I am more concerned with feeling better, than I am with weight loss.
Beyond my healthy journey I am going to blog about my career (teacher), I will probably blog about going back to school at 35 years old to chase a Master's in English Lit. I will also use this blog to dive into things I like, whether it be books, movies, television, HAMILTON, or some toher aspect of popular culture that catches my attention. I may, on occasion delve into politics or current events, but I tend to tread lightly. I have transformed this into a lifestyle blog.
I am not more skilled at the aspects of blogging that do not involve the written word. My format is not unique, I will not have exciting pictures, and I will be pretty much GIF free. No, the written word is the weapon I yield, and I enjoy yielding it.
The goal is to update twice a week. I may start with more, and I imagine during Christmas break, I will have more time. It may take me a bit to get my blogging legs under me, as I have been doing all fiction writing lately. Who knows, maybe I will feature excerpts from original works-in-progress.
For any new readers, I encourage you to go back and look at what this blog was in its former life. There are a lot of posts about the struggles of weight loss, and the struggle for sustained happiness. Those posts will still be here. My quest for sustained happiness drives pretty much everything I do. Happiness is not tangible so the chase of that abstraction keeps me moving on a daily basis.
So for now, I just want to say, welcome. I hope you'll join me again, or join me for the first time. I am excited to be back, I hope you are excited to have me back.